Wednesday, September 14, 2005

good is dumb

See? I told you there would be more.

MasterFox13: I want to get rolling... but there's a strange man sleeping on my couch.
WinnieE1: Wait, what?
MasterFox13: Apparently my roommates father.
WinnieE1: I hope so. Otherwise I'd check your locks.
MasterFox13: I was worried he would tell both of us separately that he's the other person's father... and then kill us in the night.
WinnieE1: Brilliant plan on his part, as long as you two don't speak to each other.
MasterFox13: Brilliant, but unsuccessful.
WinnieE1: clearly
MasterFox13: Or was it?
WinnieE1: Unless i'm talking to an imposter... WHO ARE YOU?
MasterFox13: I am YOUR roommate's father!
WinnieE1: NOOOOOOO!!!


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