Sunday, September 11, 2005

pack rat

Ah, now I have a place to put some of the IM conversation bits I've saved over the past few years. I bring you the first installment of what will surely be many...

threepiovertwo: I really, really don't want to be reincarnated as the thing that grades multiple choice standardized tests
WinnieE1: i'll try to make sure you're not
threepiovertwo: use your networking skills, will ya?
WinnieE1: i'll mention it to satan and his nephews. we're tight after spending so much time together on that drive home last week
threepiovertwo: ok, cool. say hi to darlene for me. you know, Mrs Satan
WinnieE1: right, right. i know you two go way back
threepiovertwo: yeah, we graduated from Dartmouth in 74
WinnieE1: which department was that again?
threepiovertwo: We were both Obnoxious Paper Clip majors
WinnieE1: the good old OPC. I miss those days
threepiovertwo: yeah, you and me both


Blogger memi said...

you guys are two of my absolute favorite people. So favorite, in fact, that I must create a word to describe you: funglewit. you are funglewit.

6:40 PM  

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