Friday, May 04, 2007

the goodbye girls

BOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I just learned that Gilmore Girls, one of my favorite shows ever, will be officially ending this year. Now I was sort of expecting the 7th season to be the last, but they were in talks to continue with a shortened 8th season next fall. Because the writers were expecting more time, the story line hasn't been tied up very well at all. Thus, one of the most well-written sitcoms I've ever seen will end without the slightest of bangs. And why is this? Because the two stars didn't feel that the massive salary increases for one more season were quite high enough. Seriously, ladies. Without this show, there's a good chance you'd still be waiting tables somewhere. I'm guessing you each make more in a week than I make in a year. I hope that if I am ever lucky enough to have the opportunity to act for a living that I don't allow my career choices to be made through greed.


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