Monday, September 11, 2006

return of the pack rat

threepiovertwo: girls always want to get married because the girls are insecure and neurotic

threepiovertwo: they're a vicious breed

WinnieE1: and males avoid it because they wish to spread their seed as much as possible in attempts at eventual world domination

threepiovertwo: totally

threepiovertwo: solution:

WinnieE1: i'm afraid....

threepiovertwo: the girls can all get married at 25

threepiovertwo: and the guy can get a robot to spread his seed for him!

threepiovertwo: the robot will spread it like butter, on a variety of surfaces

WinnieE1: and how will this lead to more offspring?

threepiovertwo: who said anything about offspring?

WinnieE1: and this seed spreading sans offspring will lead to world

threepiovertwo: if you want a child, you adopt a homeless

WinnieE1: is that your answer?

threepiovertwo: yes

WinnieE1: does the homeless person go into battle for you?

threepiovertwo: with whips and chains and even more seed

WinnieE1: does he vanquish your enemies?

threepiovertwo: naturally

WinnieE1: where can one acquire one of these vigilante homeless?

threepiovertwo: why, they are abundant natural resource

threepiovertwo: you find them in the dumpster, the pool hall, the speakeasy, or the ocean

WinnieE1: I've seen these people, but they more often ask me for change than offer to thwart my enemies.

threepiovertwo: why do you think they want the change?

threepiovertwo: to buy chainmail!

threepiovertwo: they can't go into battle in their britches

WinnieE1: it all adds up

threepiovertwo: god I have the answers to EVERYTHING

The best part - I don't really remember having this conversation.


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