Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Noah in 2032

I just saw a ten-year-old on Oprah who knows more about politics and US History than 90% of high school students. He thinks we need to decrease our dependence on foreign countries, particularly where oil is concerned and concentrate on America's problems, like social security. He also feels that students should concentrate more on history because future problems can be solved using past experiences, and if they know more about the government they will understand why voting is so important. And I quote, "By the time they turn 18 they should be excited to vote, they should be counting the days until they can." In a Presidential Trivia game, he scored higher than CNN correspondents and congresspeople.

My suggestion -
When it comes to the qualifications to run for President, let's ditch the age limit and try a minimum IQ. Who's with me?


Blogger memi said...

I am. three cheers for that idea. while we're at it, can we add qualifications for parenting?

1:13 PM  

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