LNC '06
Oh yeah. That's right. We are totally gonna cause California to break off into the Pacific Ocean. Or maybe steal a leprechaun. Something good.
Oh yeah. That's right. We are totally gonna cause California to break off into the Pacific Ocean. Or maybe steal a leprechaun. Something good.
Last night my family and I were driving through south Chicago when we spotted this sign -
I just saw a ten-year-old on Oprah who knows more about politics and US History than 90% of high school students. He thinks we need to decrease our dependence on foreign countries, particularly where oil is concerned and concentrate on America's problems, like social security. He also feels that students should concentrate more on history because future problems can be solved using past experiences, and if they know more about the government they will understand why voting is so important. And I quote, "By the time they turn 18 they should be excited to vote, they should be counting the days until they can." In a Presidential Trivia game, he scored higher than CNN correspondents and congresspeople.
Perhaps people wouldn't get upset about growing older if it weren't for the fact that life as an adult is quite the pain in the ass.
I just discovered a collection of "Will You Marry Me?" ecards. If anybody spots the other three horsemen, be sure to let me know.
Is it
my new favorite phrase (used to describe something that is tremendously good) ...
Before you go anywhere, ask yourself, "Will there be alligators?". You know, so you can figure out your A/J ratio. (alligators/people named Jake)
While we're on the subject of television, I'm pretty sure there are several networks that are bribing the censors. As long as there's no swearing or full frontal nudity, certain writers can pretty much get away with anything. Not that I'm complaining. There's nothing more annoying than a fabulous line being destroyed because it's supposedly inappropriate for whatever channel/time of day it's on. (See: "This is what happens, Larry, when you find a stranger in the alps.")
It seems that these days all one has to do in order to get a television show on the air is to create a title that might attract viewers. I therefore present the following suggestions. Let the network offers come rolling in.
I freakin' love regression. No, seriously. Live in the now, my ass.
Sometimes my friends read my mind in really bizarre ways. That's when hilarity ensues.
What amount would constitute a lifetime supply of ______?
And the award for Best Email You Can Receive on a Monday Morning goes to...
It's like the antichrist version of the Little Engine That Could.
No, quote of the entire apartment search process.
I'll take "Sentences I Never Thought Would Leave My Mouth" for 500, Alex.
Would you rent an apartment from someone who sounds a lot like Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs?
~things that need to be released on DVD immediately~