black and white and hot all over
Today even the Cubs fans have to feel at least a little bisoxual. Yay Chicago!!!
Today even the Cubs fans have to feel at least a little bisoxual. Yay Chicago!!!
I think I can best express my feelings about this through the words of a friend/co-worker -
threepiovertwo: we're comin to your show so get ready
At work, I am a total professional. The question is - professional what?
This girl breaks a pinky swear for no man. Even if he does control her income and admits to being the anti-christ.
After years and years of reaching for the remote at lightning speed the second I saw any form of sport on my tv screen, I have discovered that there is something very enjoyable about watching baseball. Its name is Joe Crede.
In my latest attempt to order something online, the site provided one of those little pull-down boxes where you enter things such as your gender or date of birth. This one had two options :
If you're planning some kind of elaborate scheme for a significant other, I wouldn't recommend involving me. Things inevitably go wrong.
Today my co-worker, Bridget, introduced me to Lloyd's frozen yogurt, which is available in the building next door. This is possibly the most dangerous information I have ever obtained.
Erin: I really want Eli to come here. That would be hilarious.
"I want to stay here in your interesting all night."
Is it possible to live in both Chicago and New York at the same time? Perhaps I should look into this cloning thing.
Starbucks caramel apple cider = speed.
Every time I think I have things figured out, I end up back at square one. Not as bad as dodecagon one, but still...