Sunday, October 16, 2005

storm of the century

"I want to stay here in your interesting all night."

"I sound like an old black grandmother."

"I think I can see with my eyes closed. Aren't eyelids interesting? They're like wild flapping Spanish birds."

"I am a rock star...of magnetism."

"Oooh, those. That's where the magic started."

"It's not nearly as exotic or erotic out here as it was in the restaurant."

"Ha, I'm going to the bathroom and you said to get my gun ready. That's a double entendre. I speak French so well!"

"This water is so interesting. I love its succulent succulent taste."

"I feel like the floor."

~ and my personal favorite~

"I don't have any children. I'm the only one here who isn't pregnant. Eli, tell Erin about the baby she's having. It's yours."


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