Monday, October 24, 2005


threepiovertwo: we're comin to your show so get ready
threepiovertwo: because raw meat may or may not be launched at you from afar mid performance
WinnieE1: that'll be perfect for the riot scene wherein i get beaten
threepiovertwo: just skip the last act. no one watches it
WinnieE1: right. the director wouldn't kill us too much
threepiovertwo: only like 18 percent death
WinnieE1: especially since it's the last show and I have relatives coming that day
threepiovertwo: ok, I didn't want to tell you this, but they're actors. I wanted you to feel important and make you have a family, but I thought you should know
threepiovertwo: I'm paying them to hang out with you
threepiovertwo: your real family...
threepiovertwo: eaten by whales
WinnieE1: damn....that explains all the secretive conversations containing the word blubber
threepiovertwo: now all the pieces come together
WinnieE1: finally, i can leave this life behind and start my real dream....becoming an IRS agent in Iowa
threepiovertwo: chase the dream, erin! ride the walrus!


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