Tuesday, November 07, 2006

ho ho holy crap

Let us all celebrate the return of the most idiotic holiday product ever.
Oooh, stupid and expensive!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

What? That can't possibly be real. You obviously made that up.


9:56 PM  
Blogger E said...

Dude, it's on the Target website. The worst part is that's not the only option. You can also get it in the form of one of those hideous white trees.

9:11 AM  
Blogger memi said...

Honestly, this is the one time when a white christmas tree is perhaps preferable. Clearly, it has no intention of imitating a real tree, since it descends from your ceiling. If I had an upside-down Christmas tree, though, I'd be makin' up all sorts of stories about how it got there.

in conclusion: when it's raining milkshake, who DOESN'T need a rock?

2:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, you obviously hacked the Target website. That is the only logical explaination for this.


10:52 PM  

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