Tuesday, January 17, 2006

you're it!

Four jobs you've had
1) caddy
2) receptionist
3) Pro Shop Asst. Manager
4) legal clerk

Four movies you could watch over and over
1)Noises Off
2)When Harry Met Sally
3)Office Space
4)The Burbs

Four places you've lived
1)Chicago Heights, IL
2)Oxford, England
3)Evanston, IL
4) um, yeah in case you couldn't tell I haven't moved around much...is this sad?

Four TV shows you love to watch
2)Arrested Development (damn you, Fox!)
3)Family Guy
4)Gilmore Girls

Four places you've been on vacation
1) Nassau, Bahamas
2) Paris, France
3) Milan, Italy
4) Greenville, South Carolina

Four of your favorite foods
1) french fries (I'm addicted, there's no denying it)
2) Madagascar shrimp (available at Joe's Steak and Crab House)
3) my mom's Yorkshire pudding (better than any I've had in England)
4) mushrooms

Four places you'd rather be right now
1) Oxford
2) Paris
3) Laurium, Michigan
4) Steak n Shake (some of you know what I mean)

Four sites you visit daily
1) www.facebook.com
2) www.fark.com
3) www.engrish.com
4) www.chicagoplays.com

Four bloggers you are tagging
1) www.starcastic.blogspot.com (yeah, again)
2) www.weequashing.blogspot.com
3) www.MeBethles.blogspot.com
4) www.lemony.blogspot.com


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