Friday, January 27, 2006

friday near 5

A co-worker gave me a keychain, attached to which is a mini duck PEZ dispenser. It's fuzzy, has dangly arms and legs and is currently perched under my computer monitor. I have named it Howard.


Blogger TheLadyLazarus said...

Firstly, maybe you ARE a hallucinating psychotic escaped mental patient.
Secondly, The Burbs is NOT a movie one can watch over and over.

Manatee Gynecology???

7:49 AM  
Blogger E said...

a)I'm pretty positive that you are a hallucinating psychotic escaped mental patient.

b)The Burbs can in fact be watched over and over, by those who have a good sense of humor.

c)It's in Florida.

2:45 PM  
Blogger TheLadyLazarus said...

a)Well so are you

b)A sadistic, warped sense of humour

c)What do they do there?

9:19 PM  
Blogger E said...

Humour? What are we British?

11:32 PM  
Blogger TheLadyLazarus said...

"We"?? Who's the "WE"?? I'M Indian, if that's what you were wondering.

6:09 AM  
Blogger TheLadyLazarus said...

And how is Howard??


6:19 AM  

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