Things you find when you aren't looking...
Slight update since last entry. Minor addition of one marriage, one house, and one son. Perhaps I'll start using this as a place to record the antics of the cutest toddler ever...
Slight update since last entry. Minor addition of one marriage, one house, and one son. Perhaps I'll start using this as a place to record the antics of the cutest toddler ever...
Considering how long it's been, I can barely even sum things up, let alone explain anything. Huge life changes are interesting. We have almost reached the 3-month countdown! On a completely unrelated note, a ladder has just appeared outside of my 3rd-story window. Pardon me, must investigate...
My company will not allow the sending of muppets. This is unacceptable.
Signs you are not posting to your blog as often as you once were -
I just received an email that, according to my account, came from "Your Colon". Personally, I don't have any desire to communicate electronically (or really by any other means) with my colon. I don't want to meet the person who has such a desire. And in addition, how did my colon get email access? I don't recall Comcast offering that as part of their installation package.
More and more often these days I'm filled with the overwhelming desire to escape to the north country and start a new life selling fudge and wooden animal carvings to tourists. But then I'd have to start wearing those huge fur hats with the ear flaps that look like they're made out of whatever creature was most recently picked off the side of the highway. That wouldn't be a good look for me.
Hooray for gnomes!
It suddenly occurred to me this morning that I do, in fact, have a blog. It seems that particular realization vacated my brain for several weeks.
This morning I was pleased to discover that Starbucks' holiday season cups perfectly matched the shirt I was wearing. Then I was disturbed at the realization that I was pleased by my beverage- turned- accessory. Suddenly I've become Lisa on the murder mystery episode of Saved by the Bell. (Ten points if you can tell me what drink matched her dress.)