Saturday, May 27, 2006

sigh of contentment and relief

There were minor fiascos, last-minute changes, appearance issues, late arrivals and a couple of emotional breakdowns. But then there was love, good tears, laughter, cheesecake...and by God there was dancing!!!

~Congratulations to Jason and Elizabeth Massatt ~

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

return of the Care Bears

Seriously. At this point all I can do is laugh.


I just received a memo stating "Please find the enclosed cranium for inclusion into the Corporate Records Center." And I thought this job was dull.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

brace yourself

This is really going to hurt.

turn and face the change

My life of late seems to be occurring in major phases that evolve around individual people. It is very intense and confusing and tends to make me cry...sometimes for happy reasons...sometimes not.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Things That Become Difficult When Your Hand is Taped

- typing
- playing the piano
- clapping
- high fives
- putting in contacts
- using doorknobs
- giving someone the finger

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

apparently I now live on Planet Spaceball

item : 1 bag of air

quantity : 2

total cost: $3,000.00

Monday, May 15, 2006


almost over

Sunday, May 14, 2006

amazing as always

Where oh where did three years go? I love you all.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Donald, you've got nothin' on me

In honor of....well...EVERYTHING that's happened recently and is happening this weekend, I made it a point to drive through a wall...or rather, another car. In other news, I love my friends more than can be measured. And the new CD is badass.

Thursday, May 11, 2006


For some reason the coffee counter downstairs has begun selling individual pieces of Bazooka gum. Today's fortune - What you think can't happen, can.

I know, I know

I apologize for the unbelievable dorkiness of the previous post, but it needed to be said. Sorry.


Ha. It was somewhat amusing to see the look on Simon Cowell's face last night as he realized that his commentary on the previous evening had just cost him the chance of making any money off of this year's Idol champ (unless by some miracle it's Katharine). I feel another Ruben coming on.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Nope, still funny.

Monday, May 08, 2006

And now, ladies and gentlemen, time for another installment of...

~Fabulously Ridiculous IM Conversations~

WinnieE1: We could sneak into the guys' classes and kidnap them.
JasonBob7: yes
JasonBob7: and tie them up in the opera dome
JasonBob7: and make them sing to me
WinnieE1: sounds like a plan
WinnieE1: Can we find some way to involve a monkey?
WinnieE1: I don't know what we'd do with it, I just always wanted to play with a monkey.
JasonBob7: the monkey can torture the boys that don't accede to my demands
WinnieE1: ooh, monkey torture. that's a new one
JasonBob7: oh no, it's old. ages.
JasonBob7: i used to use monkey torture on my sister when she was five
WinnieE1: Where'd you get the monkey? Mail order?
WinnieE1: Zoo-napping?
JasonBob7: you know how you can buy packets of sea monkeys?
JasonBob7: i found one in a dollar store that said "torture monkeys"
JasonBob7: i was skeptical at first
JasonBob7: but if you feed them on a diet of bananas and spite, they turn out pretty useful
WinnieE1: Is that Bananas-n-Spite, as in a special torture monkey food product, or the two separate items?
JasonBob7: y'know, it WAS two separate products, but now that you mention it.....
JasonBob7: i sense a new breakfast cereal!!
WinnieE1: YES! Imagine the flavor possibilites. Apple Animosity, Berry Beligerance.....
JasonBob7: Grumpy Grape
WinnieE1: let us start production immediately

Friday, May 05, 2006


Facebook has recently added the ability to invite people from work to join. Now everyone in the office can waste more time online. Yay!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

every school in the US should have one

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

*shakes fist*

Can't things ever just work out?

Monday, May 01, 2006

stupid Smarch weather

Isn't it fun when April and May decide to switch places without telling anyone? Just to change it up a bit...keep you on your toes...