Fabulously Ridiculous IM Conversations~
WinnieE1: We could sneak into the guys' classes and kidnap them.
JasonBob7: yes
JasonBob7: and tie them up in the opera dome
JasonBob7: and make them sing to me
WinnieE1: sounds like a plan
WinnieE1: Can we find some way to involve a monkey?
WinnieE1: I don't know what we'd do with it, I just always wanted to play with a monkey.
JasonBob7: the monkey can torture the boys that don't accede to my demands
WinnieE1: ooh, monkey torture. that's a new one
JasonBob7: oh no, it's old. ages.
JasonBob7: i used to use monkey torture on my sister when she was five
WinnieE1: Where'd you get the monkey? Mail order?
WinnieE1: Zoo-napping?
JasonBob7: you know how you can buy packets of sea monkeys?
JasonBob7: i found one in a dollar store that said "torture monkeys"
JasonBob7: i was skeptical at first
JasonBob7: but if you feed them on a diet of bananas and spite, they turn out pretty useful
WinnieE1: Is that Bananas-n-Spite, as in a special torture monkey food product, or the two separate items?
JasonBob7: y'know, it WAS two separate products, but now that you mention it.....
JasonBob7: i sense a new breakfast cereal!!
WinnieE1: YES! Imagine the flavor possibilites. Apple Animosity, Berry Beligerance.....
JasonBob7: Grumpy Grape
WinnieE1: let us start production immediately