nothing rhymes with Elizabeth
Ahhhhh!!! I have it!!!
~Things I Never Thought Would be Said to Me~
The Bob Loblaw Law Blog. This idea alone should warrant at least another three seasons.
Apparently the subject of communism is still extremely taboo. (At least this is the case in redneck-themed northern Chicagoland eateries.)
Today I am quite pleased with my employment situation. I actually said to myself, "I like this job." This particular mood has to be truly rare and therefore documentation is in order. You know, so that in the future I can prove to myself that I actually did feel this way at some point.
I just had one of those moments where I couldn't figure out whether I'd spelled a word correctly. One of those silly little everyday words that you learn how to spell when you're about five years old. I don't like it when that happens. It's like I witnessed the death of a brain cell or two.
Classic 80's hits always brighten my day. Corporate library dance party. Aww yeah.
I just attended my first business presentation. It was about franchise laws and procedures. I swear I haven't been so enthralled since I first encountered The Big Book of Off-White Paint Samples.
There's a reason it's known as a "cattle call" - to alert people to the fact that it would probably be a better use of your time to go cow-tipping.